Author: lhmartin1005
Un-drunk me. How I pulled off the greatest brain hack ever.
I’ve waited six months and eight days to write this, each day one step closer to me believing it’s actually real. But it is and it has been. You see a little more than six months ago I arrived fresh-faced at a wine festival. I arrived by boat with a bunch of my friends. It…
Create your happy place~ how to idle
I left my husband on a cold day towards the end of February. The year was 2005. I had already arranged for a new home, but my rental agreement didn’t start until March 1st. We were in a limbo period. I had told him I was leaving. I told him I wanted a divorce. We…
Why a divorce coach? And what’s that?
“How is the couple’s therapy going”? I stared curiously, scrunching my forehead wrinkles, as I tried to understand the question. Was my contractor asking if my husband and I were in couples therapy? That’s an intrusive question, I thought. Then it dawned on me, he was confused about my new career choice. Him and every…