Category: Divorce
From Homebody to Breadwinner: Earning Opportunities for Stay-at-Home Parents
Navigating life as a divorced, stay-at-home, co-parenting individual is no small feat. Between splitting time with your children and managing household tasks, adding a job into the mix may seem impossible. However, boosting your income without leaving your home is more feasible than you might think. Various online and local opportunities can fit into your…
Best Age-Based Activities Co-Parents Should Consider for Their Children
Divorce or separation can be a challenging time for families, especially when it comes to co-parenting. Additionally, it also poses a host of challenges for kids who might end up not getting the required amount of support and attention from parents, leading to issues at school or general development. Hence, engaging in age-appropriate activities with…
A dreamer looks at 45
45 years. Wow, that stings a little. My mind just keeps telling me I am halfway to 90. NINETY. I know what you are thinking, I’ll never make it to 90. You’re so right. This 45, this number looming over me and arriving officially on the 15th of May 2023, hits a little different than…
A new holiday, new traditions, and the new you.
The hardest holiday. The first without their children. Staring down the first Christmas morning without my son was one of the biggest fears of my life. It consumed me, and at one point, I was genuinely concerned that I wouldn’t make it through it. I told myself all kinds of lies, such as one day,…
How to Enjoy the not doing.
I took a small break from my business to deal with some medical issues and regroup for 2023. I meant for that break to last two weeks, but here we are, a month later, finally returning to the real world. I’ve done a lot of reflecting and planning, but also a lot of mindless things…
Misunderstood divorce coach questions
Divorce coach questions on cost, format, goals, and key takeaways.
The Divorce Bestie is born
#TheDivorceBestie It’s heartbreaking. And they aren’t even my kids. In fact, I don’t even know them. My coaching clients are usually fighting for their kids. They have had guardian ad litem’s involved, CPS contacted, and almost always have had the most innocent of parenting situations blown out of proportion and threatened to be used against…
The hardest part of a divorce is surviving. Â Â
 People don’t talk much about how divorce takes over your life. It can be just six months for the lucky ones, but for most people, it’s a minimum of a year. When lawyers and the government (judges) are brought into a personal relationship, it takes you down a horrendous journey that forces you to…
Create your happy place~ how to idle
I left my husband on a cold day towards the end of February. The year was 2005. I had already arranged for a new home, but my rental agreement didn’t start until March 1st. We were in a limbo period. I had told him I was leaving. I told him I wanted a divorce. We…