Tag: surviving
Misunderstood divorce coach questions
Divorce coach questions on cost, format, goals, and key takeaways.
The Divorce Bestie is born
#TheDivorceBestie It’s heartbreaking. And they aren’t even my kids. In fact, I don’t even know them. My coaching clients are usually fighting for their kids. They have had guardian ad litem’s involved, CPS contacted, and almost always have had the most innocent of parenting situations blown out of proportion and threatened to be used against…
The hardest part of a divorce is surviving. Â Â
 People don’t talk much about how divorce takes over your life. It can be just six months for the lucky ones, but for most people, it’s a minimum of a year. When lawyers and the government (judges) are brought into a personal relationship, it takes you down a horrendous journey that forces you to…